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Molybdenum Fertilizers – Foliar, Soil, and Seed Treatments

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Liming, molybdenum fertilizers, and adding organic matter are the three common ways to deal with molybdenum deficiencies in plants. Plants growing in acidic soils (with pH less than 6.0), those infertile, highly weathered, or podzolic, are prone to insufficiencies. Also, iron, aluminum or manganese oxides, and clay minerals can decrease Mo availability.

Today, we will discuss molybdenum fertilizers, foliar, soils, seed treatment, and application rates. Also, we will give you some of the top five brands to consider once you confirm that your plants lack molybdenum.

Molybdenum fertilizers - AgriGuardian Moly TM
AgriGuardian Moly


Although plants need only very small amounts of molybdenum (Mo), it is an essential micronutrient for optimum growth and development. It helps in the assimilation of nitrogen to help plants make proteins and amino acids they require to grow and helps degrade purines and sulfates, among functions.

Deficiencies will result in leaves turning pale green or yellow, especially interveinal and on margins starting with those in the middle of the plant. Severe cases will cause marginal and interveinal leaf scorching and eventual death.

Other possible symptoms include leaves rolling or curling, deformation, withering, restricted flowering, and fruit set.

However, these symptoms may vary in different plants. We have something in common Mo deficiency symptoms in cabbage, corn, cannabis, citrus, etc.

Will molybdenum fertilizers work?

Yes. Mo fertilizers (foliar, in water, soil, or on seeds) are a cheaper and more effective way to manage Mo deficiencies, especially where liming is not the most practical approach. Common fertilizers to use are:

Fertilizer% MoSolubility
Molybdenum trioxide66%Insoluble in water hence added to superphosphate
Sodium molybdate39%Readily soluble in water
Ammonium molybdate54%Dissolves slowly in cold water; use hot water when dissolving it
calcium molybdate48%Very poor solubility in water

1. Mo soil application and rates  

The typical application rate for molybdenum fertilizer soil is 0.5-2 lb. per acre (1) depending on the deficiency level and application method, i.e., are you broadcasting, banding, or using fertigation? However, these amounts will greatly vary. For instance, a molybdenum soil application rate of 50-100g per hectare once in 3-4 years is ideal for pastures (2).

To enhance molybdate availability, you should use this method if the soil pH is at least 6.0. Low pH values will reduce efficacy. Instead, consider foliar or seed application.

When applying, you can use banding and broadcasting with most Mo fertilizers added to other fertilizers to ensure uniform application since plants need only a very small amount. Also, due to its lower solubility, you can mix molybdenum trioxide with water and spray it on the soil before planting.

Fertigation is another common method of applying Mo to the soil. If you use this method, split the recommended amount into two parts and apply the second one after 1-2 weeks.

Lastly, soil application has a long residual effect, i.e., the fertilizers can remain in the soil for 3-4 years since molybdenum doesn’t easily like other micronutrients.

2. Foliar application

Molybdenum is mobile in plants making foliar application a viable way to prevent and quickly correct deficiencies, especially in soils with low pH where soil application would be ineffective. Also, you require smaller amounts than soil application.

Using Mo fertilizers like ammonium or sodium molybdate is usable on foliar and will correct deficiencies immediately. Also, application during the early stages of development, i.e., one or two sprays, will ensure your plant has enough Mo.

You can use it on vegetables, fruits, pastures, and other plants, with typical molybdenum fertilizer foliar application rates being 50-200g per hectare. How much to use depends on severity and plant requirement or sensitivity, and most manufacturers will recommend amounts for different plants.

Lastly, any amount that falls on the soil may remain for several years. So, be aware of the possible accumulation effect to avoid toxicity.

3. Seed Mo treatment

Applying a small amount of Mo fertilizers to seeds can help fix deficiencies in regions where they are common. It will ensure each a uniform amount and requires only a small amount.

Mo seed application rates range from 7-100g per hectare. Please, avoid high amounts as it can lower seed germination. Also, high Mo accumulation may harm grazing ruminants.

Top molybdenum fertilizers or micronutrients to buy

Some of the top Molybdenum fertilizers or micronutrients to help you  fix molybdenum deficiencies in plants include the following:

1. NACHURS ® 10% Mo

Do you live in areas with soils prone to molybdenum deficiency, or are your plants showing various Mo deficiency signs? Look no further than NACHURS ® 10% Mo derived from sodium molybdate dihydrate. It is applicable via foliar, broadcast, or outside-row applications. Also, you can mix it with the sidedness application of UAN.

For over seven decades, NACHURS ® has provided superior quality in-furrow starters, foliar nutrition, micronutrients, high potassium additives, microbial, and special use products to millions across the US and Canada.

Ensure you follow application guidelines and don’t use foliar applications to plants under extreme heat or moisture stress.

 2. NutriSol 10% Molybdenum by Coastal AgroBusiness

People in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Northern Georgia, and Eastern Tennessee can use NutriSol 10% Molybdenum by Coastal AgroBusiness to keep molybdenum deficiencies at bay.

This top-rated molybdenum fertilizer is ideal for foliar (alone or with crop protection products), soil (alone, with liquid fertilizers or crop protection products), or via drip irrigation. Also, this product is compatible with most water-dispersed pesticides and can apply it on seeds.

Whether you want to apply it on beans, alfalfa, Cole crops, carrots, cucurbits, lettuce, melons, soybeans, peas, sugar beets, tomatoes, etc., you will receive application rates.

Besides Mo fertilizer, Coastal AgroBusiness manufactures spray adjuvants, nutritional and bio-nutritional products, and tobacco sucker controls. Also, they distribute crop protection products, seeds, seed treatments, fertilizers, farming tools, etcetera.

3. Agriguardian Moly™ 3%

Created by scientists, formulators, and chemists, Agriguardian Moly™ is an excellent molybdenum micronutrient. You can use it alone or with other fertilizers and most pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or chemicals in-furrow, foliar, irrigation, starter solutions (root dips), soil application (media drench and in nutrient solutions for hydroponics.

Besides Moly™ Agriguardian has other micronutrients (boron, copper, iron, zinc, and manganese, including a complete micronutrient product), biostimulants, secondary micronutrient, NPK, and organic specialty products.

4. Monty’s and Soil Plant Food Molybdenum (Mo) 10%

The 10% water soluble micronutrient by Monty’s and Soil Plant Food is ideal for foliar, fertigation, and soil application. You can use it alone or with other liquid fertilizers and plant protection products.

Other excellent products to help you increase crop quality and quantities by Monty’s agronomists include soil amendment, nutrient management, fertility, and specialty products.

5. Dyna-Gro®

For over 38 years, Dyna-Gro® has provided superior quality complete plant nutrition, supplement, and propagation products. Although they don’t have a molybdenum fertilizer, their complete nutrition products have all the essential nutrients that plants need in their correct concentration for optimal growth.

Some of their complete nutrition products with Mo include Dyna-Gro™ Plant Nutrition Solutions, Foliage-Pro®, Liquid GROW™, Orchid-Pro® Liquid Bloom™, and Bonsai-Pro®.

These products are ideal for foliar, soil, and use in hydroponic systems. You can use them on your vegetables, herbs, ornamentals, cannabis, etcetera. Just follow provided use instructions.